Home dessert Energy Cookies Without Sugar or Flour…Healthy and Delicious…

Energy Cookies Without Sugar or Flour…Healthy and Delicious…

Energy Cookies Without Sugar or Flour…Healthy and Delicious…

Before we dive into the recipe, let’s take a look at the wholesome ingredients required to make these sugar-free and flourless energy cookies:

80 grams of dried apricots (pour hot water for 5 minutes, then cut)
100 grams of peanuts
50 grams of walnuts
50 grams of almonds
30 grams of pumpkin seeds
40 grams of sunflower seeds
1 tbsp – flax seeds, sesame seeds, and poppy seeds (add to taste)
white of 1 egg
1 tbsp honey (to taste)

Crafting Your Energy Cookies

Begin by chopping the walnuts and peanuts into small, manageable pieces.

In a mixing bowl, combine the chopped walnuts, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and your preferred amount of sesame, poppy, and flax seeds.

Add a teaspoon of flax seeds to the mixture for an extra nutritional boost.

Incorporate the almonds into the mixture, ensuring that they are evenly distributed.

Add the white of one egg to the bowl for binding and moisture.

For a touch of natural sweetness, drizzle a tablespoon of honey into the mixture.

Mix all the ingredients together until they form a uniform, cohesive mass.

Use round molds to shape the cookies into neat, uniform shapes.

If you don’t have molds, simply place mounds of cookie dough onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius (350 degrees Fahrenheit).

Carefully place the cookies into the oven and bake for approximately 15 minutes, or until they turn a beautiful golden hue and become crisp. VIDEO.